Thursday, December 29, 2011


Is there any pokemon games where you dont come across pokemon as often as you do in the Gold version? Its so time consuming and annoying. Please help!|||no|||they make it so u dont get bored and win easily in the pokemon league but its not making it easiar to win

u can lvl up ur pokemon with the monsters and u can capture them to finsih pokedex|||pokemon emerald or leaf green or fire red or gamecube pokemon coloseum that you have to find trainers and steel there dark pokemon and purify them =D|||You could try one of the spin off games, like Pokemon: Mystery dungeon: blue/red rescue team or the Pokemon: ranger game, they focus allot less on pokemon battles.|||Are you talking about random battles? I've played Pearl, and yeah, there's a lot of those and it's incredibly annoying. Repels, buy lots of em!|||well no there isn't except maybe pokemon ranger or pokemon rescue team. If your looking for a gold version type game then your out of luck... thats whats fun about pokemon is being able to catch pokemon... if you hate it that much though then you should buy tons of max repels, or even regular repels... i do that all the time... keeps the wild pokemon away|||You could try Pokemon Colosseum. It's an ok game. The story of Pokemon Changes but you get some good pokemon and you can transport them to Pearl and Diamond. You have to transport them to Ruby or and of the GBA pokemon games and then to Pearl or Diamond.

Hope I helped.

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